
Mount and blade enb
Mount and blade enb

so i am rephrasing the questions in this thread seeing that there hasn't been an answer provided yet. So i really do not see how, "what game" im trying it with has any relevance beyond wether it is supported or not. someone asks the question and then someone else comes along and posts a link to the mastereffects download and that's it.

mount and blade enb

The thing is i am searching to an extent on these boards and i have noticed the same question/s about DOF asked a bunch of times and not a lot of answers. sorry? is there something specific that you didn't get? if you think that is not necessary, simply, do not read or don't post for all i care.no one is forcing you to read it and i am certainly not going to sit here and tell you how to post. i am being as direct and as clear as i know how, while providing what i think is the relevant background information needed for someone to help me. i'm really not sure where that is coming from. ?"uh, what?ironically you provided no example for my supposed vagueness. Kingeric1992 wrote: Also instead of making some vague statement, just go straight forward like: If yes, what are the values you would use to achieve this type of effect? I am not seeing any of that in Reshade, so my question is, is this implied and expected behavior that DOF post processing is known for not implemented this way in Reshade? Typically, DOF behaves in such a way that any object that is direct line of sight straight ahead and in the center of the screen remains in focus while everything else becomes unfocused, usually this is something that occurs in real time where your view mimics that of a camera that is constantly focusing and unfocusing as you look and pan around the characters view.

mount and blade enb

i know what DOF is and this doesn't seem to be DOF. if the screenshot posted by Thranduil is what Reshade considers DOF, would argue this is nothing more than another glorified Blur, i don't get how this can ever qualifiy as DOF, but this is why i am asking, just unclear as to what Reshade is capable of. I would also like to know how to get the DOF to work similar to how DOF works in ENB series for Skyrim.

Mount and blade enb