
Oasis location fallout 3
Oasis location fallout 3

oasis location fallout 3 oasis location fallout 3

It was the first time that I felt connected to my character in an rpg like that. While I have seen trees and plants in hundreds of games and I was kind of expecting to see something like it, it was just so beautiful.

oasis location fallout 3

I just stopped in my tracks and looked at it. As I head towards it along this narrow path, I turn a corner and there in front of me was a green plant. I imagine that it could be actual trees, but I assume that more than likely they were radioactive, or evil in some way. Three Dog on GNR mentioned about seeing live trees while doing drugs so I figured that this was the location. It marked a location on my map call oasis. On him he had a note about a green mountain. I found a dead wastelander in the middle of no where. It'd take you forever to track down over 90 Quantums.Ok, Fallout 3 is now one of my favorite games of all time. I've only found about 70 and that's because I've really been looking for them. Doing so makes the break-even point 90 bottles of Quantum (v2 * 90 = 180 grenades, v3 * 60 = 180 grenades). However, if you didn't do the quest, and thus only had v2 of the schematics and your original 60 Quantums, you'd be able to make 120 grenades! So, if you want v3 of the schematics, you have to do the quest and get rid of the 30 Quantums. But what happens if you find the third schematic (3 grenades each time you use the workbench)? Say you held onto the 30 Quantums from after the quest and made them using v3 of the Nuka Grenade schematics. If you never find v3, you'll come out ahead for every Quantum that you find from then on. So now, you have 30 Quantums and can still make 60 grenades. If you give 30 Quantums to Sierra, you'll get v2 of the schematics (2 grenades for each time you use the workbench). Say you have the v1 Nuka Grenade schematics and 60 Nuka-Cola Quantums. Worst: The Nuka-Cola Challenge actually works against the number of grenades you can make, unless you're obsessive about tracking down every last Quantum. However, I love the fact that both sides are ultimately "evil," and neither end is morally satisfying. The quest is sort of a pain in the ass, depending on how you do it, especially if you're trying to max out the rewards from that, You Gotta Shoot 'Em In The Head, and Strictly Business (because the players in all three quests are interwoven).

Oasis location fallout 3